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zmhk 2024-07-02
cba女式       非常欢迎大家参与这个cba女式问题集合的探讨。我将以开放的心态回答每个问题,并尽量给出多样化的观点和角度,以期能够启发大家的思考。1.cbaŮʽ2.三点水和一个套是什么





4.新概念1同步试卷答案 Test16














       拼音:tào 部首:氵

       总笔画:13? 字形分析:左右结构

       笔顺:4411341211154? 郑码:vgch




       1、枕套:[zhěn tào]?


       2、套裙:[tào qún]?


       3、套购:[tào gòu]?


       4、套利:[tào lì]?


       5、成套:[chéng tào]?


新概念1同步试卷答案 Test16


        Exercise One


        1.看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens


        1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋 5.oo 一个书签 6.e 一本笔记本

        三、A F E C B D

        四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook

        五、a book May pencil rubber for

        六、I come May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye

        七、Her your my his His

        八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye

        九.1.May I have that ball pen for David?

        2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.

        Exercise two

        一 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔

        二、this dresses she thin u photos

        三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.?4.X 书签

        5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. ?8.X 可爱的

        四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers? your pandas

        五.A C A B C

        六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来 a toy shop7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler

        七、C F D A G H E B

        八、1.That is a cat.

        2.Is your rubber?

        3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.

        4.Can I have a look?Sure,here you are.

        九.Can May like nice for think


        Exercise Three

        一.pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he

        二.1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书

        三.D A C D

        四.Jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket

        五.1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.over there8.on the desk9.have a look10excuse me


        Exercise Four


        二.1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你 English7.his puppet8.your puzzle




        六.There Where They Whose their

        七.1.Where is the pencil? May I have a pencil?

        2.There is a notebook.Do you like the toy?

        3.What?s wrong?A hamburger?

        Exercise five

        一.1.let us2.I am3.I?d4here?s5.four 6.aren?t 7.R 8.fat

        二.Hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case



        五.1.That ruler is for you.Thank you.

        2.What?s this? It?s a bookmark.

        3. What?s that? It?s an umbrella.

        4.Is Mike?s jacket?No.

        Exercise six


        二.1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short


        四.1.I have a long ruler.

        2.Whose jeans are they?

        3.He looks so funny.

        五.Are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short


        七.At Whose is so is my are short


        Exercise Seven

        一.1.去上学2.七点零五3.一百4.吃早饭的时间啦 seven thirty five6.eight fifteen7.eleven forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight books11.what six13.have lunch14.go home15.go to bed

        二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen

        三.seven ten time four What?s the time three What?s the time six thirty What?s fifteen plus eighty-five one hundred

        四.eleven nine two five four nine four twelve sixteen C C B A C C E B D A A B C A

        Exercise eight

        一.close write Copy Drink draw

        二.在课上 起立 全体同学 sit down come in come here

        三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don?t be late again.

        2.Now,open your books boys and girls.

        3.Write the new words in your notebook.

        4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case?

        5.Plesse don?t eat that pear,all right.

        四.1.Don?t close the window,please.请不要关窗户

        2.Don?t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上

        3.Don?t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁

        4.Don?t go to school,please.请不要上学去

        五.B A B A

        六.E A D B C


        八. What?s It?s my Can Thank you What?s time ten Let?s go Don?t

        F F F T

        Exercise nine

        一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的电话机6. 你怎么啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed

        二.A B B C B C B C

        三.1.Su Hai .come and have supper

        2.What?s the matter,Liu Tao.

        3.Here is a glass of milk for you.

        4.Are you hungry?

        5.Why don?t you go to the bed now?

        6.Please have some tea and bread

        7.It is thirty six in the morning

        8What a nice car!

        四.the hungry is for dress It?s






        Exercise ten

        一.on desk It?s copybook that copybook it is at it?s long this one on

        二.kite car ruler key car three forty

        三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats 7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber



        Exercise Eleven

        一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A

        二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu?

        2.May I have a bookmark for Li Ming?

        3.You are sure here.

        4.This is computer for you.

        5.The book and the bookmark are for you.

        三.What?s monkey How that it panda desk camer have a look

        四.F T T F T

        Exercise Twelve

        一.sweater on sofa Where?s copybook It?s desk What?sbook I don?t know a picture it is it?s cat It?s on

        二.E A C B D

        三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?

        2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上

        3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?

        4.Thank you very much.非常谢谢

        5.I don?t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊

        四.B A C C A B C A


        Exercise Thirteen

        一.1.Here?s a big one.

        2.That ruler is too long.

        3.Whose shorts are they?

        4.Are they his jeans?

        5.I?d like some juice and some bread.

        二.F J H I A C B G D E



        六.FFFTT TFTTF

        Exercise Fourteen

        一.Desk hamburger breakfast you




        4.It is time to sleep.


        四.C D B G E A F

        五.C C A A B C B A



       第一题:1o 2e 3s 4h 5t 6e 7o 8o 9e 10e 11 o 12 a 13u14 o 15r 16s 17e 18e 19i 20 u


        2009-07-28 20:05 第三题:

       1 norwegians 2 customs 3 colour 4 upstairs 5 lovely 6 father 7 brother 8 tie 9whose 10 blue

       2009-07-28 20:08 第四题:

       1 is2 his3 perhaps 4 are 5 hers 6 what7 too 8a 9 the 10 and

        2009-07-28 20:13 五:1——5 DBBBA 6——10CAACD

       六:1.dose-is 2 same -the same 3 to-and4 a-an5 Mary -Mary's 6 also -too7 her-hers 8 love-lovely 9 friend 's -friends' 10 custom-customs

       2009-07-28 20:26 七 Are your friends tourists ,too?

        The customs officer asked her to show her passport

        What colour is your carpet ?

        Come upstair and see it

        Whose is the umbre lla







       Are your friends Banish ,too?

        What colour is your tie?

        Taht is a lovely hat

        Go upstairs and do it

        Whose suit is that ?

        This is my daughter

        IS this her father

        Perhaps you are right

        Here it is

        Yur passport ,plaese



        I. Excuse, handbag, Pardon, handbag, Thank, much

        please, ticket, sir, Number, Here's, Sorry, your, isn't, very

        II. shirt, skirt, dress, suit, coat, watch, school, pencil, teacher, daughter

        III. Yes, your, it is, Excuse me, pardon

        IV. me, your, Thanks, are, isn't

        V. three, five, eleven, thirteen, fifteen

        VI. welcome, right, all, again, kind(nice)

        VII. [ u ] [ α : ] [ I ] [ ? ] [ з : ]


        I. Miss, student, German, meet, She's, He's, too

        new, Nice, Yes, nationaly, teacher, What's, operator, engineer

        II. postman, hairdresser, policeman, policewoman, nurse,

        air hostess, mechanic, housewife, milkman, taxi driver

        III. She, It, or, job, nationality

        IV. Italian, French, Japanese, German, Swedish

        V. twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty

        VI. job, nationality, name, make, It's

        VII. [ aI ] [ I? ] [ ?u ] [ eI ] [ e? ]


        I. Hello, Hi, How, well, And, fine, too, Goodbye

        Whose, sir, blue, Perhaps, white, Here, Catch

        II. cold, hot, whose, catch, blue, white, perhaps, father, mother, blouse

        III. lazy, young, dirty, tall, fat

        IV. my, his, Whose, her, your

        V. twenty-one, twenty-three, twenty-seven, twenty-nine, thirty

        VI. And, about, it, brother, sister

        VII. [ ? ] [ θ ] [ ∫ ] [ t∫] [ z ]


        I. dress, green, and, Here, nice, smart, too, same, lovely

        friends, passports, Here, brown, tourists, That's

        II. black, brown, orange, upstairs, colour, carpet, passport, customs, tourist, smart

        III. a, an, colour, and, Customs

        IV. English, American, Japanese, Germany, Italian

        V. fifty-two, eighty-five, ninety-eight, a hundred, a hundred and four

        VI. Here, are, colour, Whose, What's

        VII. [ j ] [ η ] [ w ] [ η ] [ h ]


        I. employees, this, hard-working, operators, jobs, lazy, assistant

        matter, tired, thirsty, down, right, Here, Thanks, nice

        II. employee, employer, hard-working, sales rep, matter, tired, thirsty,

        ice cream, light, all right

        III. hundred, driver, office girl, tall, this

        IV. housewives, children, grandfather, assistant, operator

        V. nineteen, forty, a hundred and two, seven hundred, a thousand and three

        VI. heavy, small, dirty, lazy, shut

        VII. [ D ] [ aI? ] [ ? ] [ i: ] [ ∫ ]


        I. me, Which, This, one, red, This, Here, Thank

        some, These, those, ones, These, please, Here

        II. give, blunt, bottle, tin, shelf, fork, cigarette, magazine, newspaper, dressing table

        III. forty, His, Their, They're, hich

        IV. our, my, us, those, These

        V. twenty-seven, fifty-six, a hundred and forty-eight, seven hundred and three

        a thousand two hundred and thirty-three

        VI. full, sharp, old, young, little

        VII. cupboard, matter, knife, whose, carpet

        L 1-24

        I. His, Their, She, It, your, it is, They're, this, Which, a

        an, office girl, hundred, forty, Yes, Excuse me, pardon, Customs, driver, job

        nationality, lazy, tall, young, dirty, tall, fat, colour, and, or

        II. cupboard, floor, matter, knife, whose, officer, carpet, catch, large, teacher

        III. eleven, twelve, thirteen, thirty-two, forty-five, fifty-three, ninety-eight

        two hundred and fifteen, a hundred and four, a thousand and twenty-six

        IV. me, our, your, us, my, his, her, your, those, These,

        Whose, are, isn't, Thanks, English, American, Japanese, Germany, Italian, Italian

        French, Japanese, German, Swedish, housewives,

        dressing, children, grandfather, assistant, operator

        V. welcome, O.K., right, at, It's, again, of, job, nationality,

        name, make, It's, And, about, it, brother, sister,

        Here, are, colour, Which, one, Whose, What's

        heavy, small, dirty, lazy, shut, full, sharp, old, young, little

        orange, purple, green, pink, grey


        I. kitchen, refrigerator, right, electric, on, middle, empty, clean

        living, television, near, armchairs, There, some, wall

        II. kitchen, middle, cooker, trousers, window,

        picture, refrigerator, armchair, electric, living room

        III. a, some, cook, on, from

        IV. Mrs. housewives, living, cooker, refrigerator

        V. fifteen, twelve, hundred, Fifty, Forty-four

        VI. They're, There's, left, middle, near

        VII. D D B D B


        I. Shut, untidy, must, air, make, Dust, floor

        garden, doing, sitting, climbing, pardon, about, across, after

        II. type, letter, tooth, untidy, air, wardrobe, sweep, empty, put on, take off

        III. on, eating, making, reading, cleaning

       nbsp; IV. untidy, these, typing, shutting, emptying

        V. twelve, forty-two, hundred, three, half

        VI. floor, under, doing, after, acrossn

        VII. C B A A D


        I. fine, clouds, shining, over, boats, under, flying

        village, valley, on, another, along, across, beside, children

        II. cloud, bridge, wait, cry, village, photograph, sleep, aeroplane, between, beside

        III. over, out of, between, from, across

        IV. swimming, shining, them, shaving, waiting

        V. thirteen, Forty, fifty-six, half, thousand

        VI. right, from, with, out, another

        VII. B A C D D


        I. making, Which, one, going, paint, colour, pink, favourite

        with, put, Don't, What, front, drop, lovely

        II. careful, vase, flower, drop, listen, dish, homework, hammer, pink, favourite

        III. listen to, wait for, for, in front of, drop

        IV. making, are, his, careful, Don't

        V. eleven, Fifty-three, forty-two, fifteen, hundred

        VI. with, for, out of, under

        VII. C B B A C


        I. heavy, chair, piece, pound, quarter, certainly

        make, course, any, Where's, behind, but, front, find, up

        II. cheese, sugar, soap, tobacco, chocolate, bird, kettle, teapot, find, boil

        III. is, behind, in, There's, for

        IV. teapot, boiling, housewives, cooks, those

        V. eleven, fourteen, forty-four, quarter, thousand

        VI. bar, loaves, any, they, Hurry

        VII. B D C D A


        I. minutes, Where's, next, type, Ask, for, course, Here, matter, terrible

        Do, please, thank, black, want

        II. ask, lift, cake, butter, honey, biscuits, eighth, twelfth, whisky, million

        III. make, lift, read, boss's, take

        IV. them, loaves, those, any, handwriting

        V. first, second, third, fifth, ninth

        VI. It's, the, minute, front, doesn't

        VII. C A B D C


        I. a, some, cook, on, from, on, eating, making, reading, cleaning, over, out of,

        between, from, across, listen to, wait for, for, in front of, drop, is, behind,

        in, There's, for, make, lift, read, boss's, take

        II. Mrs. housewives, living, cooker, refrigerator, untidy, these, typing, shutting,

        emptying, swimming, shining, them, shaving, waiting, making, are, his, careful,

        Don't, teapot, boiling, housewives, cooks, those, them, loaves, those, any,


        III. fifteen, twelve, hundred, Fifty, Forty-four, twelve, forty-two, hundred, three,

        half, thirteen, Forty, fifty-six, half, thousand, eleven, Fifty-three, forty-two,

        fifteen, hundred, eleven, fourteen, forty-four, quarter, thousand, first, second,

        third, fifth, ninth

        IV. They're, There's, left, middle, near, floor, under, doing, after, across, right,

        from, with, out, another, with, for, out of, under, bar, loaves, any, they,

        Hurry, It's, the, minute, front, doesn't


       根据您的脸型选择适合自己的发型:. 长脸型 要用优雅可爱的发式来缓解由于脸长而形成的严肃感。在发型的轮廓上,要压抑顶发的丰隆,顶部应平伏,前发宜下垂,使脸部变得圆一些,同时,还要使两侧的发容量增加,以弥补脸颊欠丰满的不足。对于脸型狭长的女性来说,将头发做成卷曲波浪式,可增加优雅的品味,应选择松动而飘逸,整齐中带点乱的发型。 圆脸型 应增加发顶的高度,使脸型稍稍拉长,给人以协调、自然的美感。在梳妆时要避免面颊两侧的头发隆起,否则会使颧骨部位显得更宽。宜侧分头缝,梳理垂直向下的发型,直发的纵向线条可以在视觉上减弱圆脸的宽度。 方脸型 这种脸型的梳妆要点是以圆破方,以柔克刚,使脸型的不足得到弥补。可将头发编成发辫盘在脑后,使人们的视觉由于线条的圆润而减弱对脸部方正线条的注意。前额不宜留齐整的刘海,也不宜全部暴露额部,可以用不对称的刘海破掉宽直的前额边缘线,同时又可增加纵长感。两耳边的头发不要有太大的变化,避免留齐至腮帮的直短发。 菱形脸 整个脸型的上半部为正三角形形状,下半部为倒三角形形状。用发型矫正这种脸型时,上半部可按正三角脸型的方法处理,下半部则按倒三角脸型的方法处理。一般将额上部的头发拉宽,额下部的头发逐步紧缩,靠近颧骨处可设计一种大弯形的卷曲或波浪式的发束,以遮盖其凸出的缺点。 三角形脸型 根据发型与脸型的比例关系,梳理时要将耳朵以上部分的发丝蓬松起来,用喷发胶或定型剂可以达到这种效果,这样能增加额部的宽度,从而使两腮的宽度相应的减弱。 倒三角形脸型 在梳理时要注意扬长避短,便可达到整洁、美观、大方的效果。适合选择侧分头缝的不对称发式,露出饱满的前额,发梢处可略微粗乱一些,这样能将年轻女性纯情、甜美、可爱等特点直率地表现出来。 高瘦女性 一般高而瘦的身材大多是比较理想的身材。但高瘦身材者有时容易给人以眉目不清的感觉,或者是脸部缺乏丰满感,因而在梳妆时要注意增加发容量,稀少单薄的头发会令人乏味。适当地加强发型的装饰性,或在两侧进行卷烫,对于清瘦的身材有一定的协调作用,能显得活泼而有生气。 矮胖女性 在发型的梳理上宜用精致花巧的束发髻,整体的发式要向上伸展,亮出脖子, 以增加一定的视觉身高。不宜留长发波浪、长直发,应选择有层次的短发和前额翻翘式发型。 发型与身材脸型季节的关系 1·长脸型 将头发留至下巴,留点刘海或两颊头发剪短些都可以减小脸的长度而加强宽度感。也可将头发梳成饱满柔和的形状,使脸有较圆的感觉。总之、一般自然、蓬松的发型能给长脸人增加美感。 2·方脸型头发宜向上梳,轮廓应蓬松些,而不宜把头发压得太平整,耳前发区的头发要留得厚一些,但不宜太长。前额可适当留一些长发,但是不宜过长。 3·圆脸型这样脸型常会显得孩子气,所以发型不防设计得老成一点,头发要分成两边而且要有一些波浪,脸看起来才不会大圆。也可将头发侧分,短的一边向内略遮一颊,较长的一边可自额顶做外翘的波浪,这样可“拉长”脸型。这种脸型不宜留刘海。 4·椭圆脸型这是女性中最完美的脸型,采用长发型和短发型都可以,但应注意尽可能把脸显现出来,突出这种脸型协调的美感,而不宜用头发把脸遮盖过多。 体型与发型 人的身材高矮、胖瘦等与处理发式也有一定的关系,如身材较为瘦长的,留发就容易使人感到肩部两侧显得空虚,人也更显瘦长。身材矮小的,留长发会使身体显得更矮。身体较胖的,头发应采用直纹路,如果梳成规则的平波浪,身体就会更显发胖。 职业与发型 建筑工、纺织工、车工、医生、厨师、食品营业员等职业,出于安全生产和工作的需要,应戴工作帽,这就要求应留较短发型。经常进行露天作业,发型应简单,头发也应短一些,这样能够使梳洗方便。 季节与发型 由于季节变化,衣服的厚薄不同,衣领的高低、领部露出不同,头发的长短也要相适应;夏天要求凉爽、舒适,以短发居多,如果留长发也以流辫、盘髻为宜,但不宜过长、过厚、过于蓬松,否则会很不协调。冬天衣服穿得厚、衣领高,颈部基本被衣服、围巾裹住,长发垂于脑后,这样利于保暖,因此头发不应过短过薄。春秋季节,发式就可以自由选择了 发型的基本分类 1)直发类发型 直发类发型,是指没有经过电烫,保持原来的自然的直头发,经过修剪和梳理后形成的各种发型。 直发 2)卷发类发型 卷发类发型,是指直头发经过电烫后形成卷曲形的头发,通过盘卷和梳理而形成的各种不同形状的发型 3)束发类发型 束发类发型,根据不同的操作方法和造型,分为发辩、发髻、扎结等发型 男士发型的基本类型 男子发型由于留发较短,发型变化不及女子多,但通过修剪、吹风梳理或烫发、梳理,也能梳理出多种多样、美观大方、具有男性魅力的发型。 男子的发型一般是以头发顶部至发际线处的长度为依据,分为短发型、中长发型、长发型、超长发型。短发型--留发较短,发式轮廓线鬓角处;中长发型--留发适中,发式轮廓线在耳轮以上;长发型--留发较长,发式轮廓线在发际线以上;超长发型--留发很长,发式轮廓线超过发际线。 男子发型分类可以根据头发曲直形状来分,可以分为直发类发型、卷发类发型、直卷结合类发型。还可根据操作方法来分,如剪发类发型、烫发类发型、部分烫发发型。男子发型分类,一般以留发长短来分较为适宜。 1. 短发类发型 短发类发型基本上是直发经过轧发、剪发来造型,具体发式有平头式、圆头式和平圆式三种。 男士平头 平头式: 又称平顶头或小平头。特点是两侧和后部头发较短,从发际线向上轧剪,短发呈波差层次,色调匀称,顶部略长的短发轧剪成都市平形,根据顶部头发长度,又有大平头、小平头之分。 圆头式: 又称圆顶头或小圆头。特点和平头式相似,但顶部头发呈圆形。 平圆式 : 又称平圆头。特点是吸取平头和圆头两者的特点综合而成,周围头发有层次色调,顶部呈平圆形。 游泳式: 又称运动式,是在平圆头基础上发掘起来的,顶部头发较平圆头为长,周围轮廓上部呈球形,层次较低,色调较深,短发具有长发感觉,适合青年、中年和运动员。 2. 中长发、长发类发型 这两类发型发式基本相同,只是留发长短有所区别,有的是直发剪吹,有的是烫发梳理。具体发式主要有青年式、波浪式、自然式等多种。 [水母头],.. 上面昰蓬松的.下面昰长发,! bob发型 bob头~ 自然式: 特点是留发中长,顶部头发较长,向前披垂,形成稀疏自然的笔尖形,两侧和后部头发向上轧剪,形成自然坡差层次,整个发型,线条柔和,发丝自然平服,简洁大方、自然。 中分式:特点是留发中长,中间分头路,额前头发从头路梳向两侧,发根站立蓬松自然,两侧和后部头发向上轧剪,有一定层次和色调,这是受港、台歌星影响而在80年代流行的一种发型,又称港式,富有时代青年的新貌感。 蘑菇式: 特点是顶部头发较多较厚,形成蘑菇形轮廓,两侧和后部头发向上轧剪,有自然参差层次。蘑菇形轮廓比女子蘑菇式为小,发式轮廓线也不太明显,也是目前较为流行的男子发型。 奔式: 特点是留发较长,边分头路,大边头发呈鸭舌帽形向前冲,两侧头发向后梳,在后部中心会合,线条流畅,造型别致,具有男性健美感。 卷式: 是烫发发型,也可用电钳卷烫或圆刷卷吹。留发中长,头发烫成卷曲或半卷曲形,发圈可大可小,卷曲要自然,适合活泼的青年。 中年式: 留发中长,可分头路和不分头路,分头路要略高些。发丝向后斜梳,轮廓略为饱满,两侧及后部头发和上轧剪,体现一定的层次和色调,端庄大方,具有整洁感和时代感。 女式发型基本分类 > 1、直发类:直发类发式指不经烫发,只经剪修而形成的发式。直发类发式基本上保持头发的自然生长状态,其造型特点是发丝自然流畅,悬垂感强,充满浪漫气息,尤其适合青年女性梳理,给予人以纯真的美感。这种发式的主要是靠修剪梳理成形。直发类发式在头发的长短‘式样方面有较磊的自由度,可形成短发式’超短发式‘中长发式’束发等。 > 2、卷发类:卷发类发式是指经过烫发梳理而形成的发型式样。卷发类发式的发丝卷曲‘柔和'变化较多,头发卷曲幅度有大有小,小花活泼;大花高雅浪漫。中年女性梳理更显成熟的魅力.卷发类发式可适用于短发,中长发或长发. > 3、束发类发式可简可繁,适应面广,变化较大.分为生活型'晚宴型和新娘型.束发类一般都保持发的自然长度.适用于中长发和长发. 现在还流行一种发型,我们统称为非主流发型,主要代表为:爆炸型,凌乱型,颓废型,整齐的流海 以上详细资料,您参考下,希望对您有所帮助
